Cocoa Horizons Scheme

What Is The Cocoa Horizons Scheme?

What Is The Cocoa Horizons Scheme?

The Cocoa Horizons Foundation is a non-profit and third-party verified organisation. Its purpose is to drive cocoa farmer prosperity by creating self-sustaining communities that protect nature and children.

The Initiative

We are proud to participate in the Cocoa Horizons initiative; a three pronged approach to driving positive change in cocoa cultivation, starting from the source. Every bar of chocolate you buy automatically supports this programme and contributes to sustainable chocolate cultivation, today and tomorrow.

Refining Cocoa Quality

Cocoa Horizons is on the ground delivering first hand training to farmers through the Farmer Field Schools. Accredited trainers visit even the most isolated cooperatives to educate the farmers in soil management, composting, correct pruning methods, complimentary crop diversification, tree care, bean fermentation techniques, dealing with pests and diseases, and a host of other grower techniques to ensure that farm yield per hectare is increased and crop loss is minimised.

Growing Farmer Income

 By cutting out the middlemen, dealing direct with the grower cooperatives, Cocoa Horizons ensures a fair price can be paid to the farmer for their crop, and that the money goes direct to the source. This direct partnership also helps solidify the relationship and ensures the introduction of the good farming practices to work together on higher crop quality.

Growing Quality Of Life

A large portion of funding provided by Cocoa Horizons goes directly into improving the livelihood of farmers and their families. From establishing schools, distribution of mosquito nets, providing access to safe drinking water and increasing medical care by providing medical kits and administration of vaccinations.

For more information please visit the Cocoa Horizons website.


We’ve put time into making sure all of our packaging is recyclable or reusable, so you can eat chocolate and save the planet at the same time!

Growing Impact & Driving Change

We strongly believe that improving cocoa farmer’s livelihoods, supporting them in improving cocoa cultivation methods, will ensure a sustainable source of income and secures the future of cocoa farming for generations to come.

Cocoa Horizons Scheme

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